Oon & Bazul and Singapore Mediation Centre jointly organised a seminar on raising awareness of mediation as an alternative dispute resolution method

Oon & Bazul and Singapore Mediation Centre jointly organised a seminar on raising awareness of mediation as an alternative dispute resolution method

Published On: May 21, 20180.8 min read

With similar objectives to raise awareness of mediation as an alternative dispute resolution method, Oon & Bazul and Singapore Mediation Centre collaborated to organise a seminar titled “Resolving disputes through mediation”. This seminar was held at the Singapore Mediation Centre on 18 May 2018.

The speakers comprised Bazul Ashhab, Managing Partner and Head of Dispute Resolution at Oon & Bazul, and Loong Seng Onn, Executive Director at the Singapore Mediation Centre. Bazul has extensive experience in mediation as a practitioner and spoke on the topic “Practical tips on conducting effective mediation” which included case studies of cases he has handled. Seng Oon gave an introduction to the mediation landscape and shared the process one has to go through during mediation.

This was a closed-door session which garnered a full-house attendance. An interactive Q&A discussion was also conducted with the participants and the seminar ended off with a networking session over some light bites.

To learn more about Singapore Mediation Centre and the Mediation Charter, please click here.

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